About Ribano

RIBANO is a worldwide fin-tech platform that shapes the connections between individuals and companies, adhering to Islamic principles concerning company formation, partnerships, financial initiatives, management, and oversight. We prioritize transparency, safeguard the rights of both investors and entrepreneurs and guarantee responsibility by overseeing all business activities through our tailor-made system.

Investment Approach at Ribano


We aim to foster a deeper connection between an investor and their chosen company. By familiarizing investors with the intricate details of company operations and management, we strive to cultivate a strong rapport between the investors and company founders.

Our Strategy:

Our investment blueprint is straightforward, effective, and consistently transparent. Every share or digital coin associated with projects on our platform is backed by either tangible or intangible assets.

Tangible Assets Include:

  • Real estate, equipment, and machinery.

  • Liquid assets like cash reserves, bank deposits, and customer dues.

  • Current assets such as inventory stock.

Intangible Assets Comprise:

  • Employee contributions and marketing commissions.

  • Intellectual property rights, including trademarks.

Our Ethos: 

Our priority is people. Profits are channeled to ensure the happiness and wellbeing of our team and our partners. We stand by our values and are deeply committed to societal betterment.

Beneficiaries of the RIBANO Platform:

Start-up creators, entrepreneurs, and those with project initiatives…

All kinds of investors, with a special emphasis on smaller investors who are keen on engaging with companies and investments aligned with Islamic principles.

Key Milestones:

Socially Responsible Investing: Beyond wealth generation, our focus lies in uplifting society and fostering positive change. Drawing inspiration from Islamic investment principles, we prioritize societal betterment alongside profit.

Fostering True Partnerships: Beyond financial backing, our investor partnerships emphasize trust-building, shared objectives, and collective growth. The right investor-community can propel a business to unparalleled success.

Avoiding Speculation: We discourage stock market speculation, which can distort asset values and destabilize the financial landscape. Our goal is to prevent impulsive trading based on mere market speculation.

Rigorous Oversight: With our custom-designed ERP system, we constantly monitor all company operations. Our involvement isn't limited to just fund allocation; we're intricately involved in the company's daily workings.

Intangible Asset Emphasis: From trademarks to employee contributions and service contracts, we ensure a major portion of these assets isn't sourced from investment funds. This approach minimizes potential investment risks.

Inclusive Shareholding: Our shareholder community isn't confined to monetary contributors. Employees and service providers can also invest by converting their earnings into vested stocks, strengthening their company loyalty.

Absolute Transparency: Our digital platform grants investors comprehensive insight into daily company operations, spending, revenue, and more. Integrated financial reports ensure maximum transparency.

Prudent Expenditure: Our centralized accounting ERP system ensures controlled, rational spending. Entrepreneurs adhere to this fiscal structure, promising transparency in every financial transaction.

Equity and Digital Tokens: Every project on our platform operates under a joint-stock company structure, ensuring easy stock and asset management. Each project has its own unique digital token. For instance, a monthly $1000 salary could be represented by 100,000 project tokens.

Sales Impact on Market Value: The company's market value inevitably rises with sales. A portion of sales is converted into the company's tokens, which can later be transitioned into shares.

Customer-Driven Market Value: The introduction of new users or customers to the company is represented by a specific token count, which can eventually be transformed into company shares.

Investment Opportunities with Ribano

Investors have two primary avenues of investment:

Direct Investment in Ribano: This involves investing in Ribano as a project management entity.

Targeted Project Investment: Here, investors can choose to invest in a specific project showcased on the Ribano platform or opt for a portfolio managed by Ribano. This portfolio disperses investments across various projects as per Ribano's discretion.

For instance, in a project like "Exportika", if there's a $1 million funding requirement denoted by a million shares and tokens, investors have the flexibility to buy any number of shares. In such a scenario, the investor serves as a financier, collaborating in management both with the project founder and Ribano. 

This collaboration comprises three key stakeholders:

  • The project founder who holds a project stake.
  • Investors contributing financial resources.
  • Ribano, which assumes roles in management, supervision, investment aggregation, and financial tracking, thus securing a percentage of the project.

Ribano's operational model relies heavily on organizing an adept management and oversight team responsible for all projects, ensuring a stake in each.

Ownership safeguarding is facilitated via the issuance of financial securities by Ribano and the deployment of tokens, secured through blockchain technology, into the investor's digital account and wallet.

In essence, investment can be distilled into two paths:

  • Selecting and investing in a specific project on Ribano.
  • Opting for a diverse portfolio under Ribano's management.

Investment Path One:

  • Investors browse Ribano's platform and select a desired project.

  • After comprehensive analysis, they decide on the number of shares and the investment amount.

  • Investments are channeled through a payment platform with diverse payment methods.

  • Securement of the investor's share happens via blockchain, with tokens from NFT or a unique token for the project in question.

  • Upon achieving the financial threshold, a joint company is formed among shareholders, the entrepreneur, and the host country. Ribano acts as the guardian entity, supervising legalities, financial stewardship, and management direction based on a previously agreed negotiation.

  • Ribano sets up the company's accounting and administrative systems, granting investors access to observe daily operations, spending, and achievements.

  • Ribano takes charge of the company's financial trajectory, ensuring prudent investment and expenditure.

  • As operational needs arise, Ribano releases funds from its account to the company's.

  • At the fiscal year's end, profits are computed and transferred to the investor's Ribano portfolio.

Investment Path Two:

  • Investors opt for a portfolio overseen by Ribano.

  • Post detailed perusal, they determine their investment sum.

  • Payment is routed through a versatile platform.

  • The digital wallet features two NFT tokens representing a conglomerate of projects, securing investments via blockchain technology.

  • Ribano steers the investment process, channeling funds to a variety of projects, maximizing safety and minimizing risks.

  • Investors are empowered to oversee the management systems of their investment projects.

  • Ribano governs the fiscal dynamics of the company, assuring judicious investment and expenditure.

  • Based on the company's requirements, funds are systematically released from Ribano's account.

  • By the fiscal year's culmination, profits are tallied and added to the investor's Ribano portfolio.

Why Choose to Invest with Us?


With us, there are no hidden agendas. Our commitment to transparency ensures you have a clear view of all transactions. Every cent spent is accounted for in our ERP system.


Your investment's safety is our prime concern. Delve into our procedures to understand how we maximize the security of your investments.


We regard our investors and founders as integral partners. Hence, we meticulously vet and select them, ensuring a symbiotic relationship built on trust and mutual respect.

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