Absolutely. We value our shareholders' commitment and recognize that many are simultaneously our employees. As an investor, you'll have priority in job placements if qualifications align. If you're interested, please update your investor account page with the necessary bio-data.

Our available stocks fall into two categories:

Shares specific to a particular project (profits from these shares solely depend on the project's performance, which may mean higher returns but also greater risks).

Company-wide shares encompassing all our activities (profits here are based on the aggregate returns of all projects, offering more security).

We cherish our investor-partners and recognize their commitment to our mutual success. Being a global entity, we see myriad collaboration opportunities. As an investor-partner, you get the upper hand in securing exclusive rights in your country, such as franchising. Explore more on your account page and reach out for further discussions.

Shareholders can opt for one of two resale methods:

Resell to the company at the listed price on our website, with a commitment from our end to purchase within six months from the listing date.

Independently sell to an interested party at a price of your choosing. We'll facilitate the issuance of replacement shares in the buyer's name for a 2% transaction fee. We periodically re-evaluate share market value post financial report assessment to maintain transparency and avoid speculation.

Our commitment to modern management and accounting methods, combined with the use of ERP programs, ensures efficient operations and complete transparency. You can view our financial insights, contribute suggestions, and access plans directly from your account page.

For us, variety isn't a challenge. With over 20 years in management, we've honed our skills, developed innovative tools, and cultivated a team that few can rival. This has enabled us to streamline processes using tech solutions we've pioneered over the years, ensuring every aspect of the business runs smoothly.

Ribano aims to create a strong bond between investors and their invested companies by offering detailed insights into management and operations, fostering a meaningful investor-founder relationship.

Our strategy is simple, efficient, and transparent. Every stock or coin is backed by an asset, whether tangible or intangible, ensuring security and clarity for investors.

Tangible assets like real estate, equipment, and cash; and intangible assets like employees' efforts, intellectual property, and marketers' commissions.

Yes, our investment philosophy aligns with socially responsible practices, focusing on societal betterment along with profit-making.

We believe in building true partnerships with investors, focusing on mutual trust, goal alignment, and collaborative success.

No, we avoid speculation to maintain asset value integrity and economic stability, focusing on long-term, sustainable growth.

How does Ribano oversee investments?

  - Through a specialized ERP system, we closely monitor and control all company activities, ensuring thorough oversight and transparency.

We focus on acquiring intangible assets like trademarks and labor efforts to ensure investments are fully covered, minimizing risks.

Alongside monetary contributors, employees and service providers can earn vested stocks, enhancing their commitment and work dedication.

Our online system allows investors to monitor daily business activities, expenses, sales, and tasks in detail, ensuring maximum transparency.

Expenses are disbursed in phases directly from our central account, ensuring rational spending and investment feasibility.

Projects on our platform are represented by coins, with each project having its own symbol. Investors, employees, and service suppliers receive coins, convertible to shares or cash.

Sales performance and the number of new users or customers directly impact the market value, with corresponding coins allotted to reflect these achievements.

We believe in partnership and that success is made from the team and not from individual efforts. We tried our best in formulating the method of investment in our company to achieve important factors such as the element of security and transparency with its simplicity and ease. The method of trading shares in our company is closed and takes place between the company and the investor directly without any intermediary

If there are shares offered for trading and selling, you will find them in our investment platform exclusively here on this site

You can buy instantaneously for the number you want and pay by all available means on the site or bank transfer to the company's account

Upon receipt of payment, share certificates will be issued in the investor's name and appear in the investor's account with a QR code for the transaction and the shares sold

As you can see in this the available stocks are of two types:

1- specific to a specific activity or project (and the profits of these shares are linked to the return of this project exclusively, and although these shares may carry a greater return depending on the project, the risk rate is greater than the shares of the other type)

2- General for the company in all its activities (and the profits of these shares are according to the aggregated returns of the projects, which gives a greater margin of safety)

An investor can sell part or all of his shares in one of two ways:

1- Sell it to the company at the trading price published on the company’s website again, and the company is obligated to buy it within 6 months from the date it was put up for sale

2- Selling them to anyone who wants outside the company at the price he wants, and the company is committed to issuing alternative shares in the name he wants in return for a trading commission of 2% for the company

The process of determining the market value of the share is carried out every 6 months after preparing the financial reports to prevent speculation that harms the rights of investors and diminishes transparency. Shares are offered for sale if the company finds a need for more investments.

We are always happy to communicate with our investor partners and we believe that they are the most eager people for the success of our company to make their investments with us a success. Therefore, we try as much as we can to invest this desire and this keenness in developing a real business and an actual partnership between us and our investors from all over the world, and because our business is also a global business spread all over the world. around the world . There are many promising opportunities for cooperation, being an investor and partner in the company, and being a partner investor in the company gives you priority in taking exclusive rights in your country, such as franchise rights for your country or region. Please see the details on your account page and contact us

Of course, we are fully aware that the shareholders and partners are best keen on the success of the company, so many of our employees are also shareholders, and being an investor gives you a priority if your competence is appropriate to also invest your effort in a job that suits you and appoint you to one of the jobs available to us. If you want this option, you must also add your biographical information on your account page as an investor

We are very concerned with the latest administrative and accounting methods that help us complete the largest operations in the shortest time, as well as provide the necessary transparency and control through ERP programs. Opinions, suggestions and plans on your account page, which will be taken with all interest

No, it is not for us, because we have been working in the administration for more than 20 years and we have the skills, tools and human cadres that are not available to many others, which enabled us to devise methods to facilitate work processes in a great way, helped by a lot of technological tools that we developed ourselves over those years To manage all aspects of the business optimal management

For further information or specific queries, please feel free to contact our support team.

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