Investment strategies

Our mission is to turn the investor from simply investing in securities that he does not know about companies or what he invested in, to create a kind of intimacy between the investor and his company, by knowing all the details of management and operations in that company, which creates a good relationship between investors and founder

Our investment strategy is simple to understand and at the same time efficient and transparent at every stage

Every stock or coin in our platform-offered projects must be fully covered by an asset, whether that asset is tangible or intangible

Tangible assets examples: 

  • Fixed assets like real estate and Equipment and machines

  • Cash like cash in the safe, in the bank, customers' liabilities

  • Current assets like goods in stock

Intangible assets examples:

  • Employees' efforts and marketers' commissions

  • Intellectual property rights of trademarks and others


1-Social Responsiple investing

Investment is not just about multiplying wealth, it's about investing in the betterment of society and creating a positive impact. In the Islamic way of investing, profit is not the only goal, but also the means to achieve a greater good.

2-Creating real partnerships

Partnership with investors is not just about securing funding, it's about building trust, aligning goals, and working together to achieve success. The right investors can bring valuable expertise, networks, and resources to the table, and can help take your business to new heights.

3-No speculation 

Speculation in the stock market can create an illusion of wealth and success, but it is often short-lived and can result in disastrous consequences. It distorts the true value of assets, leads to irrational buying and selling, and can cause stock prices to soar or plummet without any underlying economic reason. In the end, speculation harms not just individual investors, but the entire financial system and the wider economy.

4-Control and monitoring

Through the ERP system developed specifically for us, we can control and monitor all companies and projects that invest in them. Our role is never limited to granting investment and waiting for returns, but we care about every detail and work of the company’s business, and all our entrepreneurs are committed to submitting and working on this system for ease of monitoring and control

5-Intangible assets

Such as trademark rights, licenses, labor and employee efforts, lease and employment contracts, franchises, and agencies

We will try to have more of these assets in relation to the company and not be paid from the investment amounts. Thus, the investor guarantees that his investment is fully covered by one of the abovementioned assets, which reduces the risks to the minimum extent possible.

6-Vested Stocks Shareholders

The types of shareholders we have are not limited to contributors with money only, but there are also employees who contribute their salary or part of it and charge them as vested stocks in the company, which enhances their affiliation and dedication to work. This is also applicable to any service provider or affiliate who gets paid for their service as vested stocks 


Through our online system, the investor, through his account on our platform, can monitor all the company's daily business, its employees, expenditures, sales, expenses, and all its tasks in an accurate and detailed manner, and view enabled financial reports based on actual sales and expenditures on the system. None of the company's members can change or amend it, which achieves the greatest degree of transparency and clarity for all investors

8-Rational spending policy

Through our policy that the financial management of our projects be within our duties and our mission to save and guarantee funds, expenses, and expenditures will also be disbursed in a phased manner directly from our central account to fully ensure the company's spending policy and its feasibility for investment, and the entrepreneur is committed to this clause in our contract with him when establishing the company, which guarantees the highest degrees Safety and clarity in all expenses

9-Capital, stocks, and Coins

Any of the projects you see on our platform is one of two

  • A joint stock company

  • One of the projects of a joint stock company

The reason for this is that joint-stock companies easily control, transfer and increase their shares, which is necessary for our platform and strategies for working with it.

The joint-stock company is a number of shares distributed among the shareholders, each according to his percentage

On our platform, each project will have its own coin with a specific symbol. And the value of this project will be presented by a specific number of its coin

In the wallet of the investor, employee, or service supplier on the platform, the number of coins is placed, whether he bought it for investment, or what he deserves as a salary, in return for his service, or his annual profits. He can withdraw it or transfer it as a balance in any other currency.

For example

John worked for us as a full-time graphic designer in one project for a thousand dollars a month, and that appeared in his wallet as 100,000 coins from the project coin. Zaid decided to withdraw fifty thousand of them in his bank in dollars, $500, and keep the rest as an investment in the company. Up to 5000 shares of the company's shares

Thus, the share capital of the company increases by five thousand shares, because the service has already been received, and this is considered an increase covered by an intangible asset, which is the marketing work carried out by this designer

And the same analogy for all the company's executive and marketing activities is translated into the project coin, which can be translated into shares or cash.

Of course, the investor with capital also buys project coins.

The minimum investment in a specific project is ten thousand dollars so that the investor can view his account on the project and all the work in it, as we mentioned previously, and the investment cannot be withdrawn except by selling the shares through the platform or through the investor himself, after at least six months of investment (why?)

If the investment is less than that, then it will be common in the platform and not a project or a company in itself, by authorizing our platform to invest in what it deems appropriate and placing the profits in the investor’s account

10-The company's market value is affected by sales:

As a general rule, and because the company necessarily increases its market value through sales, any sales that the company obtains will have x% of those sales in the form of coins of the company’s total coin, which will be converted into shares later on by increasing the company’s capital. This percentage varies according to the activity and its profits, for example, A company offers a monthly subscription with 50% profits, which differs from a 2% profit commission product

Thus, there is fairness and transparency in determining the share price based on actual sales and profits

11-The company's market value is affected by the number of visitors or customers

Likewise, a certain number of coins is determined for each new user or new customer added to the company, which later turns into ownership shares in the company by increasing its capital and value.

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