Investment Cycle and Method in Ribano

Our Systems related to 

  1. The main crowdfunding platform

  2. Xeedwallet to move and exchange money with tokens.

  3. RibanoM . Marketplace for trading shares and tokens

  4. Ribanocor ERP. For each project, there are built-in ERP special for it.

  5. Blockchain wallet users can know their token balances

Cycle of the work:

The brief cycle in Ribano as follows:

1-Founder added his project on (Suppose John added EXPO project )

2-This project comes to Ribano admin to accept/refuse

3-If the project is accepted, Ribano will do the following for this project:

  • Signing a contract with Founder with all terms 

  • Create a special token for this project with numbers of shares representing all equity of the company including shares that want to be raised (the goal) (for example company assets is 1.000.000$ and it wants to get 500.000$ finance so we issue (or release) just 1.500.000 tokens (EXPO) Each token is issued at $1.00 by default) These will be distributed. One million is distributed to the current owners and 500.000 distributed to the coming investors as a goal of fundraising)

  • Create an account for the (1) Project in XeedWallet (managed by Ribano), (2) an account of Manager (Founder)  to move the money and tokens smoothly and we put a goal inside the project account (500.000 $) so it can be distributed it exchanged with fiat

  • Create accounts for (3) all current shareholders and put their tokens representing their equity inside them (for example John 600.000$, Peter 200.000$,...etc) so all equities will be represented by tokens inside Xeedwallet to prove ownership of these currencies integrated with Near NFT

  • Create accounts (or through SSO and API) for all equity owners or shareholders (as a seller type) in the Ribano marketplace for digital assets (Ribanom) so every shareholder can have his shares in all projects called by API inside his account so he can sell his shares for another investor easily

  • Create Project RibanoCor system and create accounts for all investors and shareholders on Ribanocor ERP so they can oversee all operations in the company through this system

4-If an investor wants to invest in one project (e.i EXPO) published on Ribano. He clicks invest and goes to xeedwallet to pay

5-If he has fiat currency in his xeed wallet, he can pay with it directly to buy tokens. If he does not have fiat (USD or Euro…etc) , he should make a deposit by any of the payment methods integrated into Xeedwallet

6-After the deposit is successfully done in the investor’s wallet, he can pay for shares now. (suppose he wants to buy 100.000 tokens at 100.000$).

7-When he buys tokens the following will be done:

  1. Registered in NEAR blockchain and the transaction is recorded for that investor blockchain wallet

  2. The transaction is done on Xeedwallet and the tokens moved from the account of the project to the account of the investor

  3. Shareholder and stock certificates will issued or the company will be founded if needed)

  4. Money (Fiat money like USD) transferred from the account of the investor to the account of the Project (i.e Exportica) on Xeedwallet

8-Account of the project managed by Ribano. According to the business and financial plan, Ribano will pay the needed amount of money each month from the Account of the project on Xeedwallet to the account of the Founder or manager so he can withdraw to his bank account to pay for the operations of the company)

9-After operations and getting profits. Profits will be distributed to the wallets of shareholders and equity owners according to their ratio

10-Any of investors and shareholders can do that:

  1. Oversee all operations of the company through his account of Project Ribanocor (ERP)

  2. Sell his shares to other investors through Ribanom (Marketplace)

  3. Send his tokens to anybody has account in Xeedwallet

  4. Exchange tokens of projects with any other investors

  5. Buy other tokens for any projects offered on Ribanom (if it was sold by other investors) or buy in like usual

Cycle in RibanoM:

  • All investors have seller accounts in Ribanom

  • By API (from xeedwallet), their account will have the number of tokens in each project they have (Not more)

  • There will be a tab with the Symbol, name of project, Seller, country,  token amount offered, price, seller, project details in Ribano, action (buy/contact seller)

  • If a buyer wants to buy he goes to shopping cart and pays with Xeedwallet so the tokens are transferred to him  

Cycle in Xeed Wallet:

  • Every user can send money or tokens

  • Every user can receive money or tokens

  • All payments should be handled through that system

  • Every user can swap his token with another token in another project

  • Each project will have its own token symbol and own project account managed by Ribano

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